122 Corstorphine Road, Corstorphine, EH12 6UD, Edinburgh
* More than 15 years of experience* Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Edinburgh (present)
* FFPMRCA (Pain)* PG Certificate in Pain Medicine, University of Edinburgh (2016) * MRCA Royal College of Anaesthetists, London (2010)* FCAI College of Anaesthetists, College of Anaesthetists and Surgeons, Ireland (2010)* MD Anaesthetics, B.J Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, India (2003)* MB BS University of Pune (1999) ...
* Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK)* College of Anaesthetists and Surgeons (IRE)
* Ron Grimbley Best Audit Prize, Russell Hall Hospital, Dudley, West Midlands (June 2007)* Fresenius Fellowship Award for research presentations (April 2003) * 2nd Rank in University M.D. Anaesthesia Exam (July 2003)* First Prize in Department Quiz: Morbid Obese Patients€“Anaesthetic Challenges(April 2002)* National Merit Scholarship Holder (1991 - 1999) ...
* His work is published on ResearchGate.* Dr Sachane is heavily involved in ongoing research projects specialising in his field. * He has presented his research findings at conferences both nationally and internationally. * €˜Racemic Ketamine 4.5 €“day infusion treatment of long standing complex regional pain syndrome €“ a prospective service evaluation in five patients€™ Published in British Journal of Anaesthesia in July 2015 as correspondence article.* Dermatome targeted spinal analgesia for Intrathecal drug delivery pump implantation €“ a case series. -- Sachane, K. B.; Mutagi, H. S.; Raphael, J.; Kapur, S. - Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine. 32(5):13, September/October 2007.* A case Report: - €œUnexpected Difficult Airway €“ A Perpetual Anaesthetic Challenge€ published as e-letters in British Journal of Anaesthesia. March 2007* €œAnaesthetic Management for electroconvulsive therapy in a patient with plasma cholinesterase deficiency€ €“ Medical Journal of Western India. 140, Vol. 30, jan-feb.2003.* €œManagement of lower segment caesarean section in a patient with Achondroplasia€ €“ National Surgery, Anaesthetics and critical care update Oct. 2002, AFMC. (Armed Forces Medical College) Pune. ...
* Regularly teaches trainee and other medical personnel.* Dr Sachane often presents abstracts and posters at national and international conferences.
* Back and spine pain* Neck and head pain * Migraine* Fibromyalgia* Shoulder pain* Hip and knee pain ...
* Back and spine pain* Neck and head pain * Migraine* Fibromyalgia* Shoulder pain* Hip and knee pain ...
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