Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist in London Meet the Specialist

Dr Regina Sala

 55 Harley Street, W1G 8QR, W1G Marylebone London


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Coupoly Medical Concierge Service
Coupoly Connects You To Doctors, Dentists And Hospitals.
Coupoly Private Healthcare team experienced with medical travel and healthcare professionals, passionate about the research, planning and delivery of International Healthcare options. We help you connect to a needed medical procedure or diagnostic. Through Coupoly you can access Private Medical Services such as diagnostics, cancer treatments, spine surgery, hip and knee replacements, bariatric weight loss surgery, dental implants, Breast Surgery, Face Surgery, Hair Transplant and many other treatments- all without the wait.
   At Coupoly we offer connections to a global network of medical specialists, plus: 

  • Full Travel Agency Services (Hotel Arrangement, Transfer From Airport to Hotel and Hotel To Hospital.)
  • Speciality in Concierge Medical & Travel Planning
  • Medical Travel & Complications Coverage

* Adult psychiatry* Paediatric psychiatry * ADHD* Anxiety* Depression* Sleep disorders* Autism* Behaviour problems* Attention difficulties ...

Diagnostics and Treatments

Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist in London Meet the Specialist

* Adult psychiatry* Paediatric psychiatry * ADHD* Anxiety* Depression* Sleep disorders* Autism* Behaviour problems* Attention difficulties ...


* More than 10 years of experience* Consultant Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, 55 Harley Street, London, UK (present) * Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Lead Neurodevelopmental Disorder Service. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK (2015- present)* Honorary Specialty Doctor. Centre for Interventional Paediatric Psychopharmacology and Rare Diseases. National and Specialist CAMHS Clinical Academic Group. Maudsley Hospital, Michael Rutter Centre, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK (2012-2015)* Senior Clinical Researcher and Coordinator of the Centre for Interventional Paediatric Psychopharmacology and Rare Diseases Research Team. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences, King's College London, UK (2012-2015)* Clinical Research Scientist. Anxiety Disorder Team, Department of Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatry Institute, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, USA (2011-2012)* Clinical Research Fellow. The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Services. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2010)* Clinical Research Fellow. Personality Disorder Institute, The New York Presbyterian Hospital, Payne Whitney Westchester. University Hospital of Cornell. New York, USA (2007) ...


* Approved Clinician under the Mental Health Act 1983. London Region Panel, UK (2015-present)* Medical Appraiser. East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK (2018) * European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECPN) School of Child and Adolescent. Venice, Italy (2014)* Good Clinical Practice and the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations. King€™s Health Partners Clinical Trials Office, London, UK (2013)* PhD in Psychiatry. Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Barcelona, Spain (2011)* Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training. Koplowitz Fellow. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2008-2010)* Electroconvulsive Therapy Fellowship. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2010)* Therapeutic Strategies for Intervening with Common Adolescent Problem Behaviors Institute. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2010)* Treatment in Early Psychosis. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2010)* Advances in the Treatment of Mood Disorders. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA (2010)* Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Traumatized Children and Their Families. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2009)* General Psychiatry Training. Mostoles University Hospital, Madrid, Spain (2004-2008)* MSc in Integrate Psychotherapy. University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain (2005-2008)* MSc in Forensic Psychiatry. The National Distance Education University, Spain (2007-2008)* Transference-Focused Psychotherapy. The New York Presbyterian Hospital. University Hospital of Cornell. NY, USA (2007)* Medical Doctor (MD). University of Barcelona. Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain (1997-2003) ...

Professional membership

* Member of the International Collaboration on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Abuse (ICASA)* Member of the Alicia Koplowitz Scientific Committee in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Spain * Member of the Training Committee and Local Faculty Group in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry higher training scheme on the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Royal London Hospital* Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK* Member of the General Medical Council, UK ...

Professional awards

* State of the Art Congress Psychological Medicine: Bio-Social Advances in Psychiatric Research at Queen Mary University of London (2019)* Clinical Excellence Awards. East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK (2019) * Nominee for Team of the Year Award. East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK (2018)* Donald J. Cohen Fellowship Program, 19th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professionals, Beijing, China (2010). ...


* Dr Sala's work is published on ResearchGate.* She has published over 60 scientific articles, book chapters and abstracts, which you can view here.  * Dr Sala has been invited as a speaker to some of the most distinguished national and international conferences in the field of neurodevelopment and mood disorders. * Ãƒâ€“zgen H, Spijkerman R, Noack M, Holtmann M, Schellekens A, van de Glind G, (Sala R member of the International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse (ICASA) group), van den Brink W, Hendriks V. International consensus statement for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with concurrent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorder. European Addiction Research. 1-10, Jul 2020.* Sala R, Amet L, Blagojevic-Stokic N, Paul Shattock P, Paul Whiteley P. Bridging the Gap between Physical Health and Autism Spectrum Disorder. In preparation for Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 16:1605-1618, Jun 2020.* González R, Vélez-Pastrana M, Blankers M, Bäcker A, Konstenius M, Holtman M, Levin F, Noack M, Kaye S, Demetrovics Z, van de Glind G, van den Brink W, Schellekens A, (Sala R member of the ICASA group). Onset and severity of early disruptive behavioural disorders in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. European Addiction Research. 26; 1-12, Jun 2020.* Sánchez-García N, González R, Ramos-Quiroga J, van den Brink W, Luderer M, Blankers M, Grau- Lopez L, Levin F, Kaye S, Demetrovics Z, van de Glind G, Schellekens A, Vélez-Pastrana M, (Sala R member of the ICASA group). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder increases nicotine addiction severity in adults seeking treatment for substance use disorders. European Addiction Research. 19; 1-10, Jun 2020.* Rodríguez-Quiroga A, Flamarique I, Castro-Fornieles J, Lievesley K, Buitelaar J, Coghill D, Martínez Díaz-Caneja, C, Dittmann R, Gupta A, PHoekstra P, Kehrmann L, Llorente C, Purper-Ouakil D, Schulze U, Zuddas A, Sala R, Singh J, Fiori F, Arango C, Santosh P. Development and psychometric properties of the Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Risk and Resilience Factors Scales in adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 29: 153-165, Jan 2020.* Yen S, Stout RL, Hower HM, Killam MA, Weinstock LM, Topor DR, Dickstein DP, Hunt JI, Gill MK, Goldstein TR, Godlstein BI, Ryan ND, Strober MA, Sala R, Axelson D, Birmaher B, Keller MB. The influence of comorbid disorders on the episodicity of bipolar disorder in youth. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinava. Volume 133 (4): 324 - 34, April 2016.* Santosh P, Gringras P, Baird G, Fiori F, Sala R. Development and psychometric properties of the parent version of the Profile of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (PONS) in children and adolescents.BMC Pediatr. 2015 May 19;15:62.* Sala R, Gill MK, Birmaher B. Differentiating pediatric bipolar spectrum disorders from attention deficit disorder. Psychiatric Annals. Sept. 2014. Volume 44 number 9, 410-416.* Glennon J, Purper-Ouakil D, Bakker M, Zuddas A, Hoekstra P, Schulze U, Castro-Fornieles J, Santosh P, Arango C, Kolch M, Coghill D, Flamarique I, Penzol MJ, Wan M, Murray M, Wong ICK, Danckaerts M, Bonnot O, Falissard B, Masi G, Fegert JM, Vicari S, Carucci S, Dittmann RW, Buitelaar JK, and The PERS Consortium (Sala R member of the PERS Consortium). Paediatric European Risperidone Studies (PERS): context, rationale, objectives, strategy, and challenges. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 23:1149€“1160; 2014* Morcillo C, Ramos-Olazagasti MA, Blanco C, Sala R, Canino G, Bird H, Duarte CS. Social- cultural context and bullying others in childhood. J Child Fam Stud. 1;24(8):2241-2249; Aug 2015.* Sala R, Goldstein BI, Wang S, Blanco C. Childhood maltreatment in the course of adults with bipolar disorder: an epidemiologic study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 165:74-80; Aug 2014.* Sala R, Strober MA, Axelson DA, Gill MK, Castro-Fornieles J, Goldstein TR, Goldstein BI, Ha W, Liao F, Iyengar S, Yen S, Hower H, Hunt J, Dickstein DP, Ryan ND, Keller MB, Birmaher B. Effects of comorbid anxiety disorder on the longitudinal course of pediatric bipolar disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2014; Jan 53(1):72-81.* Sala R, Goldstein BI, Wang S, Flórez-Salamanca L, Iza M, Blanco C. Increased prospective health service use for depression among adults with childhood onset bipolar disorder. Journal of Pediatrics. 2013 Nov; 163(5):1454-7.* Castilla-Puentes, Sala R, Ng B, Galvez J, Camacho A. Anxiety Disorders and Rapid Cycling: Data from a Cohort of 8,129 Youth with Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2013 Dec;201(12):1060-5.* Martínez-Ortega JM, Goldstein BI, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Sala R, Wang S, Blanco C. Temporal sequencing of nicotine dependence and bipolar disorder in the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions (NESARC). Journal of Psychiatry Research. 2013 Jul;47(7):858-64.* Goldstein BI, Liu SM, Schaffer A, Sala R, Blanco C. Obesity and the three-year longitudinal course of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorder. 2013 May;15(3):284-9.* Carballo JJ, Llorente C, Kehrmann L, Flamarique I, Zuddas A, Purper-Ouakil D, Hoekstra PJ, Coghill D, Schulze UME, Dittmann RW, Buitelaar JK, Castro-Fornieles J, Lievesley K, Santosh P, Arango C; STOP Consortium (Sala R member of the STOP Consortium). Psychosocial risk factors for suicidality in children and adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Jan 2019.* Flamarique I, Santosh P, Arango C, Purper-Ouakil D, Zuddas A, Sutcliffe A, Schulze U, Dittmann RW, Nowotny E, Llorente C, Pupier F, Frongia R, Aslan S, Méndez I, Sala R, Castro-Fornieles J on behalf of the STOP Consortium. Development and psychometric properties of the Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Suicidality Assessment Scale (STOP-SAS) in children and adolescents. BMC Pediatr. 16: 213, Dec 2016.* Sala R, Goldstein BI, Morcillo C, Liu S, Castellanos M, Blanco C. Course of comorbid anxiety disorders among adults with bipolar disorder in the US population. Journal of Psychiatry Research. 2012 Jul;46(7):865-72.* Morcillo C, Duarte CS, Sala R, Wang S, Grant B, Blanco C. Conduct disorder and adult psychiatric diagnoses: associations and gender differences in the US adult population. Journal of Psychiatry Research. 2012 Mar;46(3):323-30.* Sala R, Axelson D, Castro-Fornieles F, Goldstein TR, Goldstein BI, Ha W, Liao F, Gill MK, Iyengar S, Strober MA, Yen S, Hower H, Hunt J, Ryan ND, Dickstein D, Keller MB, Birmaher B. Factors associated with the persistence and the onset of new anxiety disorders in youth with bipolar spectrum disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2012 Jan;73(1):87-94.* Sala R, Axelson D, Castro-Fornieles F, Goldstein TR, Ha W, Liao F, Gill MK, Iyengar S, Strober MA, Goldstein BI, Yen S, Hower H, Hunt J, Ryan ND, Dickstein D, Keller MB, Birmaher B. Comorbid anxiety in children and adolescent with bipolar spectrum disorders: prevalence and clinical correlates. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2010 Oct;71(10):1344-50.* Sala R, Axelson D, Birmaher B. Phenomenology, longitudinal course and outcome of children and adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Bipolar Disorder. Elsevier. Dr. Jeffrey Hunt/ Dr. Daniel Dickstein. 2009 Apr;18(2):273-89, vii. Book chapters ...

Teaching Posts

* Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Centre for Psychiatry, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and Queen Mary University of London (2017 - present)* Member of the Training Committee and Local Faculty Group on the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Royal London Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry higher training scheme, UK (2015-present) * Educational, Clinical and Research Supervisor. Royal College of Psychiatrist. London, UK (2016- present)* Visiting Teacher and Clinical Researcher. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences, King's College London, UK (2015-2018)* Statement of Teaching Proficiency. King€™s College London, UK (2014) ...

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* Adult psychiatry* Paediatric psychiatry * ADHD* Anxiety* Depression* Sleep disorders* Autism* Behaviour problems* Attention difficulties ...

Diagnostics and Treatments

Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist in London Meet the Specialist

* Adult psychiatry* Paediatric psychiatry * ADHD* Anxiety* Depression* Sleep disorders* Autism* Behaviour problems* Attention difficulties ...

Coupoly Medical Concierge Service
Coupoly Connects You To Doctors, Dentists And Hospitals.
Coupoly Private Healthcare team experienced with medical travel and healthcare professionals, passionate about the research, planning and delivery of International Healthcare options. We help you connect to a needed medical procedure or diagnostic. Through Coupoly you can access Private Medical Services such as diagnostics, cancer treatments, spine surgery, hip and knee replacements, bariatric weight loss surgery, dental implants, Breast Surgery, Face Surgery, Hair Transplant and many other treatments- all without the wait.
   At Coupoly we offer connections to a global network of medical specialists, plus: 

  • Full Travel Agency Services (Hotel Arrangement, Transfer From Airport to Hotel and Hotel To Hospital.)
  • Speciality in Concierge Medical & Travel Planning
  • Medical Travel & Complications Coverage

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